Find out about our history, values and how we work. Discover where LAPUELA Honey comes from.
We produce honey, pollen, propolis and wax. We monitor the whole process of production to bring the best products straight from the beehive to your table.
The vegetation of the Southwest of Asturias, where our beehives are located, brings a great variety of flavours and aromas to our honey.
Our honey is obtained in a completely natural way, with the purpose of not losing any of the honey’s natural properties and so offer a unique product to the consumer.
Our oak honey receives the gold Quality Award at the Paris International Honey Awards (PIHA 2023)
Our summer heather honey receives the Silver Quality Award at the Paris International Honey Awards (PIHA 2023)
At the London Honey Awards 2021, our Forest Honey received the highest award in the event, the Platinum Prize.
Our Strawberry Tree Honey and our Oak Honey also received a Gold Medal at the London Honey Awards 2021.
Gold medal for our Summer Heather Honey at the London Honey Awards 2020.
Silver medal for our Chestnut Honey at the London Honey Awards 2020.
First prize for our Summer Heather Honey in 2018.
Third prize for our Summer Heather Honey in 2019.
Our Chestnut and Heather Honey were presented with first prize at the 2nd the Single-flower Honey Competition in 2016.
In 2018, our Strawberry Tree Honey won a third prize at the 3rd Single-flower Honey Competition in 2018.
Silver medal at the BiolMiel competition in Italy 2014.
In 1941, when Alfonso Pérez was just a child, he attended a beekeeping course with his brothers. This beekeeping course was given by the parish priest Carlos Flórez Lorenzo, known in the area as “the beekeeping priest”, he was the person that awoke Alfonso’s interest in beekeeping.
At that time, Mr. José Perez, Alfonso’s father, asked a client to give him one of his beehives, as a way of paying off an old debt. Mr. Pérez decided to give this beehive to his son, so as he could continue to practise and develop his beekeeping interest.
Beekeeping was carried out, as with all activities in a rural setting, within the family unit.
Thus, Alfonso gradually passed on his passion for beekeeping to his sons Gustavo and Luis, both of whom, following in his footsteps, established LAPUELA Honey.
In 1941, when Alfonso Pérez was just a child, he attended a beekeeping course with his brothers. This beekeeping course was given by the parish priest Carlos Flórez Lorenzo, known in the area as “the beekeeping priest”, he was the person that awoke Alfonso’s interest in beekeeping.
At that time, Mr. José Perez, Alfonso’s father, asked a client to give him one of his beehives, as a way of paying off an old debt. Mr. Pérez decided to give this beehive to his son, so as he could continue to practise and develop his beekeeping interest.
Beekeeping was carried out, as with all activities in a rural setting, within the family unit.
Thus, Alfonso gradually passed on his passion for beekeeping to his sons Gustavo and Luis, both of whom, following in his footsteps, established LAPUELA Honey.
In 1983, the Institute for Apiculture Research and Development was founded in Asturias. In this institute beekeeping activity was publicised and beekeepers are trained in the modern exploitation of beehives. Asturias is divided into eleven regions, with many technicians in charge. Back then, Alfonso became the main collaborator of the beekeeping technician in the Pola de Allande area. He thereby contributed to the introduction of Lanstrong type beehives in this part of Asturias and the old “truébanos” (an old type of beehive made of wood) became obsolete.
Around that time, Alfonso set up the first honey-packing plant in the region, and succeeded in transmitting his beekeeping knowledge and vocation to his children. For many reasons, the Pérez family abandoned the commercial exploitation of their beehives for a few years, although they never gave up beekeeping as a hobby.
Finally, in 2006, Gustavo, Alfonso’s youngest son, decided to take over from his father and set up as a professional beekeeper.
Beekeeping has been pursued in Asturias from times immemorial. The Land Registry of Ensenada is the oldest source of information available. The registry offers detailed information on the number of “truébanos” (the name used for old beehives which are still preserved today) and also the number of beekeepers that existed in that moment in time.
In the West of Asturias, beekeeping was visible in the landscape with two specific structures: “talameiros” and above all, “cortinos”. They are very specific beehive enclosures. Constructed in stone, their objective was, and still is, to protect the beehives from bears and fire. “Cortinos” have a circular form, and “talameiros” have a square form.
Beekeeping was carried out by the “abeyeiro”. “Abeyeiro” is the person who developed the techniques that maintained and increased the number of beehives. and took advantage of the two main products (honey and wax), so that the hives could develop properly and have enough reserves.
Beekeeping has been pursued in Asturias from times immemorial. The Land Registry of Ensenada is the oldest source of information available. The registry offers detailed information on the number of “truébanos” (the name used for old beehives which are still preserved today) and also the number of beekeepers that existed in that moment in time.
In the West of Asturias, beekeeping was visible in the landscape with two specific structures: “talameiros” and above all, “cortinos”. They are very specific beehive enclosures. Constructed in stone, their objective was, and still is, to protect the beehives from bears and fire. “Cortinos” have a circular form, and “talameiros” have a square form.
Beekeeping was carried out by the “abeyeiro”. “Abeyeiro” is the person who developed the techniques that maintained and increased the number of beehives. and took advantage of the two main products (honey and wax), so that the hives could develop properly and have enough reserves.
We develop sustainable beekeeping committed to our surroundings. All our beehives are located in an area of natural beauty and at LAPUELA Honey we want to preserve and improve these areas.
The Southwest of Asturias is one of the most depopulated areas in Europe. Here, our hives are situated among native vegetation and wild fauna, within the Natural Reserve of Fuentes del Narcea and Muniellos Forest,
In LAPUELA Honey we are committed to the conservation and development of our environment.
Natural heritage
We are committed to sustainable beekeeping and protecting our bees and the ecotype of our local bee, which is better suited to our natural heritage.
We are committed to the protection of the biodiversity that surrounds us, making our activity compatible with the protection of the bears that live in our mountains.
Beekeeping heritage
We are committed to the conservation of the beekeeping heritage handed down to us. The “cortinos” and “talameiros” that adorn our mountainsides are unique to beekeeping legacy in the world.
Sustainable economic development
We are committed to the sustainable economic development of our activity and cooperation with other beekeepers.
Rural environment
We are committed to sustainable creation of wealth and employment in our local rural environment, bringing back life to our villages.